About Us
Statement of Belief
Transformed people obey God’s call to do the church’s good work (Ephesians 2) of uniting and reconciling (2 Corinthians 5:17-21) a world of difference (John 17) biblically. Transformation happens when people individually and collectively know God (John 17:3) and make Him known by furthering the heart of God’s mission for all people (Acts 2), to go forth and make disciples of all ethnicities, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything Jesus commanded (Matthew 28:18-20) until we are all worshiping in God’s presence together (Revelations 5:9-14, 7:9-11, 21:1-22, 22:1-5).
Board of Directors & Advisory Team
Board of Directors
Alice Lee - Executive Director & Board Chair
Matthew Lee - Vice Chair
Noelle Lee - Secretary
Melissa Emerson - Treasurer
Anthony Emerson - Development Officer
Advisory Team
Dr. Michael Emerson
Dr. Willie Peterson
Our Inspiration
Rev. Dr. Edward Ming Lee, or fondly known as Pastor Ed, heard God say to him, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things… come and share your Master’s happiness!” as he was welcomed home into God’s presence in 2021.
Yet, the dream and the work he began remains. Mosaic Learning Center seeks to continue the work he began by obeying God’s call to doing the church’s good work of uniting and biblically reconciling a world of difference. Mosaic Learning Center was birthed through The Pastor Ed Biblical Reconciliation Fund, which was possible through many faithful and generous disciples who were recipients of God’s reconciliation ministries through Pastor Ed during his 40 years as God’s faithful shepherd-servant.